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Author Topic: Eurex data (82 messages, Page 3 of 3)

-VP, Product Operations-
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Posted: Feb 2, 2012 01:47 PM          Msg. 61 of 82
We are not "anticipating" any problems. However, we are still seeing some packet loss on the line, just not nearly as much as we had when we were seeing the delays. Our telco provider continues to troubleshoot the trans atlantic lines and we are hoping they will have found and replaced the faulty hops prior to Eurex market open. We continue to push actively on this and I will continue to provide updates as we learn more. I feel good about tomorrow's session, but still cautious.

Jay Froscheiser
Telvent DTN

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Posted: Feb 2, 2012 10:35 PM          Msg. 62 of 82
We are still waiting on word from the telco provider regarding their efforts to further clean the lines. They did identify where their QoS was routing our Eurex traffic at a lower priority than it should have been, so that has been addressed. I have good confidence that the Eurex open will go smoothly, but we are still on high alert here at Telvent DTN and are in constant contact with the telco provider and Eurex in case we see any delays.

I will be back with updates as the Eurex market opens.

Jay Froscheiser
Telvent DTN

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Posted: Feb 3, 2012 01:57 AM          Msg. 63 of 82
Good morning,
Today I still see mismatches on BidSize /AskSize; not clear the amount of delay on quotes.

-VP, Product Operations-
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Posted: Feb 3, 2012 02:36 AM          Msg. 64 of 82
After 30 minutes of early trading on Eurex, we aren't seeing any delays and the line currently looks clean. However, we realize that volume is very light so we aren't going to let our guard down. We did hear back from the telco provider that they are still testing the initial routes and working to repair them before we are moved back to our original lines. We will be running on the current clean routes for todays entire trading session.

Jay Froscheiser
Telvent DTN

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Posted: Feb 3, 2012 08:42 AM          Msg. 65 of 82
Performed well during the release of the NFP report. Looks ok again.

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Posted: Feb 6, 2012 02:21 AM          Msg. 66 of 82
Looks like the problems are back again !!! What's going on guys ???


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Posted: Feb 6, 2012 02:25 AM          Msg. 67 of 82
Currently I do not see delays: Looks ok to me.

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Posted: Feb 6, 2012 02:29 AM          Msg. 68 of 82
Quote: Looks like the problems are back again !!! What's going on guys ???

--- Original message by mishka on Feb 6, 2012 02:21 AM
Hi Mishka,
fortunately it seems all ok

-VP, Product Operations-
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Posted: Feb 6, 2012 02:29 AM          Msg. 69 of 82
We are monitoring things closely and aren't seeing any delays in the feed. Mishka, what are you looking at that makes you think you are getting delays?

Jay Froscheiser
Telvent DTN

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Posted: Feb 6, 2012 02:34 AM          Msg. 70 of 82
That is so strange ! I am getting delayed data for the dax, just like early part of last week :-(


-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Feb 6, 2012 10:05 AM          Msg. 71 of 82
mishka, it appears that when your account was reactivated on friday that it didn't get the Eurex Indexes realtime authorizations properly applied resulting in delayed data for those indexes. This has now been corrected. If you remove and rewatch the symbol DAX.X you should now get it realtime. Alternatively, simply disconnect and reconnect or restart your app and it should also fix the problem.

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Posted: Feb 9, 2012 12:34 PM          Msg. 72 of 82
Today my EUREX feed was delayed again.

It started at 16:34:24 CET. Peak delay was more than 1h.
After reconnection to the 148 farm the feed was running realtime.

Could you please check if the problem was on your side or with my connection?

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Posted: Feb 9, 2012 12:39 PM          Msg. 73 of 82
I just checked my other subscriptions. I had the same delays with all symbols and exchanges,
so I guess my ISP was unstable.

-DTN Technical Support-
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Posted: Feb 9, 2012 12:43 PM          Msg. 74 of 82
Hello AHA, to let you know, we just checked the data for that time which was around 10:30 AM EST and on the 156 servers we are not seeing any gaps for the Dax Future (XG#), I am checking other EUREX symbols to be sure however but we are continuing to monitor the EUREX closely to keep the delays down that we were seeing last week. If you have any other problems or questions please let us know.


Curtis Thompson
Trading Markets Customer Service
1-800-397-7000 x3614

-VP, Product Operations-
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Posted: Feb 9, 2012 12:56 PM          Msg. 75 of 82
AHA, As Curtis mentioned, we are back to normal with Eurex and we haven't had any issues/delays today.

Since you mention that all exchanges were delayed as much as 1 hour, I wanted to point out what may have been the issue. Since our servers won't cache/queue data for a single customer that long, it is more likely that the data was queuing on your machine between the IQFeed client and your 3rd party application. When you reconnected, this queue would have been flushed on the IQFeed client and thus the "delays" would be cleared. If you ever see this again, it would be helpful to check the memory usage of IQConnect.exe on your machine to see if it is increasing (showing that it is queuing data). Another new tool we introduced in the latest IQFeed (v4.8) is the diagnostics app. If you open that application from your IQFeed folder and click the "Client Stats" tab, it will show your connections to IQFeed and any queues on those connections. If you can provide this information to support, it will help us work with your to determine where the issue is.

Jay Froscheiser
Telvent DTN

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Posted: Mar 20, 2012 04:40 AM          Msg. 76 of 82
Seeing delays on Eurex again the past 30 minutes. Current lag around 60 seconds and rapidly getting even worse.

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Posted: Mar 20, 2012 04:51 AM          Msg. 77 of 82
yes , seeing same issue here on Eurex over last 30 mins.

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Posted: Mar 20, 2012 04:51 AM          Msg. 78 of 82
I see the delays too: up to 2min30secs.

Very frustating

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Posted: Mar 20, 2012 04:56 AM          Msg. 79 of 82
Same here. had delays in the last hour. whats going on with the FESX???

FESX & FDAX trader

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Posted: Mar 20, 2012 04:58 AM          Msg. 80 of 82
It is not only FESX: as far as I see it all Eurex symbols are involved.

At this minute the delays seem to be gone.

-DTN Technical Support-
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Posted: Mar 20, 2012 07:03 AM          Msg. 81 of 82
We are aware of the delays that we are seeing within the EUREX data-feed and are working as quickly as possible to correct the issues that everyone is having. At the moment it does appear that the delays have disappeared but we are closely monitoring this symbols just in case.


Curtis Thompson
Trading Markets Customer Service
1-800-397-7000 x3614

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Posted: Mar 20, 2012 09:03 AM          Msg. 82 of 82
Delayed again - by at least 2 minutes.
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