Hi guys. I'm trying to connect IQFeed to Amibroker as a new database. I did not find anything specific to do when I searched the DTn forum or the Amibroker forum. I created a new database in Amibroker following the steps here:
http://www.amibroker.com/iqfeed.htmlhowever, whereas it shows under this link the company names next to the tickers, I don't have that. In the bottom left corner of the Amibroker Analysis Window, the connection status is red. It says:
Pluging Status
Can not open Admin connection on port 0.
Socket Error code = 10049
This usually happends when IQConnect did not create listening socket properly.
Contact IQFeed support for help.
Use right mouse button to reconnect.
So I tried the right mouse button but nothing changed. I'm not sure where to check the ports and sockets settings. Thanks.