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»Forums Index »Archive (2017 and earlier) »Data and Content Support »Feed Speeds
Author Topic: Feed Speeds (1 messages, Page 1 of 1)

-Interested User-
Posts: 7
Joined: Jun 27, 2011

Posted: Jun 27, 2011 09:28 AM          Msg. 1 of 1
I'm trying to understand why I am getting poor speeds from IQFeed.

I recently switched strategies and I'm trying to get a realtime feed from about 150 tickers, but my IQFeed Connection manager is showing really poor transfer speeds of about 10 KB/Sec.

I have Cable connectivity, and I get about 1Mbit between here and NY (I am in Europe).

Many other apps provide a DL speed over at least 100KB/sec. So I am trying to figure out why I am getting only 10KB/Sec from IQFeed? My charts regularly fall behind by 1 minute which creates alot of lag in terms of trying to trade realtime.

I expect there must be some type of throttling on their connection, to prevent bandwidth hogging. Is it possible I have exceeded some limit?

Appreciate any help in identifying bottlenecks.



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