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UKTRADER DTN has not made a recent changes to the trade conditions. If you are interested in more in-depth information you may subscribe to our API service.
UKtader here is what was listed in our forms before:
Disclaimer: These are subject to change, so for the person viewing this post somewhere down the road, please do not assume these to be accurate.
DTN VALUE DEFINE DESCRIPTION NASDAQ NYSE/Amex 1 REGULAR Normal Trade @ @ 2 ACQ Acquisition A N/A 3 CASHM Cash Only Market C N/A 4 BUNCHED Bunched Trade B N/A 5 AVGPRI Average Price Trade W B 6 CASH Cash Trade (same day clearing) C C 7 DIST Distribution D N/A 10 BUNCHEDSOLD Bunched Sold Trade G N/A 15 RULE155 Rule – 155 Trade AMEX K K 16 SOLDLAST Sold Last (late reporting) L L 17 NEXTDAYCLR Next Day Clearing N N 18 LATEREP Opened - Late Report of Opening Trade (in or out of sequence) O N/A 19 PRP Prior Reference Price P P 20 SELLER Seller R R 21 SPLIT Split Trade S N/A 23 FORMT Form-T Trade T T 25 SOLDOSEQ Sold Out of Sequence Z Z 30 OPEN Late Report of Opening Trade - out of sequence O O 31 OPNL Late Report of Opening Trade – in correct sequence O N/A 32 AUTO Transaction Executed Electronically N/A E 46 MC_OFCLCLOSE Market Center Official Closing Price M M 47 STPD_REGULAR Stopped Stock - Regular Trade 1 N/A 48 STPD_SOLDLAST Stopped Stock - Sold Last 2 N/A 49 STPD_SOLDOSEQ Stopped Stock - Sold out of sequence 3 N/A 57 MC_OFCLOPEN Market Center Official Opening Price Q Q 58 FORMTSOLDOSEQ Form-T Sold Out of Sequence U U 59 YELLOWFLAG Yellow Flag Y N/A 61 INTRMRK_SWEEP Intramaket Sweep F F 62 DERIVPRI Derivately Priced 4 4 63 REOPNING Re-Opening Prints 5 5 64 CLSING Closing Prints 6 6 66 CROSS_TRADE Cross Trade X X 67 PRICE_VAR Price Variation H H 68 STKOPT_TRADE Stock-Option Trade V V 135 ODDLOT Odd Lot Trade I I 136 CORRCSLDLAST Corrected Consolidated last 9 9
TechnoConserve Can you try the Iqlinklancher.exe to start the IQFeed client? Since it seems like it runs with the Diagnostic ok.
Rodney by shutting off the Firewall you have shut off the controls to the firewall the Firewall systems run in the background. the best way is to allow the IQconnect.exe through the firewall or make it a exemption in the Zonealarm.
We can help if you can give us a log file with the debug checked. This would help to figure out the exact steps the software takes and what is happening at each step.
we list them on our symbol guide page
JRA Can you log out of the Feed and login with a new connection. We have had sporadic symbol issue and it should be corrected now.
Jra to start with, can you bring up the IQ Watch Quote Application that is installed with the IQFeed Client and enter the symbol DXM# or DXMH16 there?
This is the data coming in to your computer from our servers. In Sierra Charts, can you do a manual input of the symbol: Go to File and then new Intraday chart, on the file Name: Enter the symbol in capital letters DXM# or DXMH16 I have attached a pdf of the page.
Rodney Multi-charts is a very versatile software. It will depend on the actual result you want to see. From what your describing, It sounds like you will be using tick data to generate the 15 minute data points. The short answer is ,Yes, you can do this by selecting “use tick data to create minute or Daily charts”. It will always take the tick data and convert. I do not know if that is exactly what you want to work with. This may be a better question for Multi-charts support.
Dario the session is from 1700 (EST) 1600 (CDT) on Sunday to 1659:59(EST) 1559:59 (CDT) The following day. Monday..Tuesday....Wednesday...Thursday Ending on Friday. This will Depend on how you reference the exchange time in the settings window in MC The choices are Exchange time or local time.
Dario that does look correct. I have attached a list of the FXCM to this Forum
You will use the Bid/ask to focus in on the very current information of the chart. if you use the trade you can look at a longer time frame. It will depend on how you set the chart as to the interaction between the Software and the data-feed. Multi-charts is a very Robust software that can utilize our data-feed to the max.
Tkmaxx I see the data missing on our one server farm. We are working on resolving this issue. Thank you for reporting it.
Tkmaxx I see the data missing on our one server farm. We are working on resolving this issue. Thank you for reporting it.
Can you send us a screen shot of what you are actually looking at. We will see if we can match it. Send it to Have you tried the @UB# ? Any information of what the full name is would help.
TKMAXX That has been corrected. Thank you for reporting it.
TKMAXX I see the issue. We are in the process of looking at. Thank you for reporting it.
Darkpool Since the e-mini S&P is exclusively a electronic the term RTH may not be correct. Here is the trading hours from the CME web site in Central time: Trading Hours MON – FRI: 5:00 p.m. previous day – 4:15 p.m.; trading halt from 3:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Our data does comes in with an Eastern Time stamp so the time for the data is 18:00 on 1-27-2014 through 17:15 on 1-28-2014 for the daily bar data. For the intraday data of any minute data you may need to look at the OHLC the same as the daily stamp.
Tturk Your logic is correct. We do retain the minute and daily data (the tick would end after 180 days)
I apologize for the delay. My data department could not verify conclusively the data your displaying. Is there any way you can give us more current data that we can work with on our end? We need more information. Anything you can give us to help. Thank you
Pete I have sent a email to your email address with some information and questions on some material needed to help resolve this issue.