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Viewing User Profile for: jstar
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Joined: Mar 8, 2005 09:37 AM
Last Post: Jul 19, 2006 03:33 PM
Last Visit: Jul 29, 2007 06:32 PM
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jstar has contributed to 27 posts out of 21244 total posts (0.13%) in 7,082 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Data and Content Support » SOX.X will not backfill for Historical Data Jul 19, 2006 03:33 PM (Total replies: 4)

Thank you for fixing the issue with the SOX.X symbol.

As I mentioned in my 2nd post, the symbol was streaming realtime this morning and all is well now.

Thanks again!

Data and Content Support » SOX.X will not backfill for Historical Data Jul 19, 2006 08:41 AM (Total replies: 4)

The symbol is streaming realtime this morning. Don't know why it showed as delayed last night but the historical data still does not work for that symbol.

Data and Content Support » SOX.X will not backfill for Historical Data Jul 18, 2006 06:43 PM (Total replies: 4)

Normally I use my broker feed for Index quotes but since most brokers are not supplying data for the the SOX any longer, I have swithced that symbol to the IQFeed datafeed. However, I'm not able to use the Historical backfill for that symbol. The data streams intraday and the intraday backfill works fine but not historical backfill. I'm using Quotetracker version 3.7.6b with IQ Connection Manager

I also tried the symbol with a different instance of Quotetracker with the same results.

Please advise!


PS. I also noticed the symbol is showing a 10 min delay. What's up with that?

Data and Content Support » dead server again! May 14, 2006 06:29 PM (Total replies: 4)

Thank you Jay,

I just rebooted my computer and it seems to be working correctly. Was this an issue with my computer or did IQ just solve the issue?


Data and Content Support » dead server again! May 14, 2006 06:19 PM (Total replies: 4)

"IQConnect Application has encountered a problem and needs to close."

I keep getting this message and IQ reconnects then errors out again in a constant loop.

AppName: iqconnect.exe AppVer: Offset 000097c2

What do I need to do to fix this problem?

Data and Content Support » @ER2M6 Apr 23, 2006 08:05 PM (Total replies: 4)


I will change my profile. I've never looked at the DTN Product Announcements section because it says DTN and I subscribe to IQfeed.

And since I have your attention, could you please respond to my ? in the IQfeed Datafeed Wish List.


Thanks for your time.

Data and Content Support » @ER2M6 Apr 23, 2006 07:35 PM (Total replies: 4)

Thank you for the reply Jay.

But honestly how would I have ever known of this change?

In the future, IQfeed needs to send an email notice to its subscribers of a change of this magnitude.

Thank you.

Data and Content Support » @ER2M6 Apr 23, 2006 06:37 PM (Total replies: 4)

I'm not receiving any data for @ER2M6 nor am i able to receive backfill data. @ESM6 works fine.


QT 3.7.3b

Thanks CMX!


Any word on a symbol for

(NYSE Advancers + NASDAQ Advancers) - (NYSE Decliners + NASDAQ Decliners)

If I could combine the 2 and chart it in QT I most certainly would :-(

Thanks so much.

Thanks for the addition.

Are you going to add the same for advancers/decliners? (net advancers/decliners) for my work, that value is more important than volume.

And an even better indicator is cb= Combined Breadth $ADV + $ADVQ - $DECL - $DECLQ

(NYSE Advancers + NASDAQ Advancers) - (NYSE Decliners + NASDAQ Decliners)

That is the the best market momo indicator imo.


Data and Content Support » Incorrect volume for ER2Z5 Dec 21, 2005 06:59 AM (Total replies: 11)


The volume for ER did not reset again this morning. I closed my QT just after 4:15pm yesterday and reopened this morning. The current volume shows 97727. After using tick backfill, the following entries appeared causing a huge time spread on my charts.

16:31 -97669
16:33 97667
16:41 -97665
07:46 97383
Edited by jstar on Dec 21, 2005 at 07:10 AM

Data and Content Support » CME Globex Data Aggregation Dec 20, 2005 10:34 PM (Total replies: 6)

Just following up on your verification comment

Data and Content Support » Incorrect volume for ER2Z5 Dec 20, 2005 10:32 PM (Total replies: 11)

Thank you Jay & your support team!

Data and Content Support » Incorrect volume for ER2Z5 Dec 19, 2005 09:23 PM (Total replies: 11)


Seems the volume for ER is not resetting again. The volume for ER at 10pm et is 90367. This also occured on last Monday and last wed after the 4:15pm close. Tonight, the time stamp on my raw data shows an entry at 16:30:27pm of -91,149, then 3 (1) contract trades and another entry at 16:31:47pm of 90,146. This extra entry of 90146 screws up my volume charts creating a blank time gap spread on my charts. I can email you a picture of the chart if you like. I sent the chart to Jerry at QT & he siad it was caused by a large volume at the start of the period which lead me to look at the raw.

Please advise a solution to this issue.


Data and Content Support » CME Globex Data Aggregation Dec 19, 2005 01:22 PM (Total replies: 6)

Thank you.

My links to the CME notices didn't post so I am reposting in case they may be of some benefit.



Data and Content Support » CME Globex Data Aggregation Dec 19, 2005 12:21 PM (Total replies: 6)

Thank you for your reply Jay! After some more research this morning on ER, my original tick/bar setting was matching the volume/bar setting that had I determined to match the old tick by tick data.

Just to be clear, since I don't know what is the "RLC" or "ITC" feed, I'm using IQfeed with Quotetracker and IQfeed will be providing me "tick by tick" data on the CME Globex exchange (not aggregated data as described in the links I provided) same as the past few years?

Sorry to be so specific, but this issue is of a major concern to me as well as many others.

Thanks again for your reply.

Data and Content Support » CME Globex Data Aggregation Dec 19, 2005 10:04 AM (Total replies: 6)

With the new CME Globex data aggregation commencing on Dec. 18th, 2005, is there anyway to know within a small margin of error the reduction in the # of ticks for ER & ES.

For many years, my trading system has been based on a specific # of ticks (tick by tick data) which differs for ER & ES. Well CME is shaking up my trading world with this data aggregation and I suspect many others as well. ER seems to be less affected that ES. I'm also exploring volume charts as an alternative to tick charts.

Would be happy to share my findings with others and compare research.


Data and Content Support » Incorrect volume for ER2Z5 Dec 1, 2005 09:25 AM (Total replies: 11)

The volume for @ER2Z5 did not reset again today. @ESZ5 did not reset until some time after 8:00am et.

Data and Content Support » Incorrect volume for ER2Z5 Nov 17, 2005 10:25 AM (Total replies: 11)

Thank you for your response Jay!

Please keep me updated.

Data and Content Support » Incorrect volume for ER2Z5 Nov 16, 2005 09:29 AM (Total replies: 11)

Anyone else experiencing this volume reset issue with @ER2Z5?

Sure would be nice to get a response from IQfeed!

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