-DTN Guru-
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Right Here & Now
Posted: Feb 27, 2022 01:44 PM

Msg. 1 of 9
If I perform a chain request for @ESH22 for one month, the call side of the ':' and the put side seem to be very similar. Meaning there are puts on the call side and calls on the put side:
chain response: CFO-@ESH22,LC,@E1AH22C372000,@E1AH22C372500,@E1AH22C373000,@E1AH22C373500,@E1AH22C374000 ...
@E1AH22C372000,@E1AH22C372500,@E1AH22C373000,@E1AH22C373500,@E1AH22C374000,@E1AH22C374500,@E1AH22C375000, .....
Which means the put side is somewhat of a duplication of the call side. I havn't looked at all entries, but in this one month query, there are 2724 entries with many/most of the them duplicates (> 1300)
I have not checked yet if this is occurring for the equity requests as well.

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Feb 28, 2022 06:33 AM

Msg. 2 of 9
Hello, can you give us the exact request you are sending to the feed?
Also, is the issue still occurring? If so, does it also happen with our chains app that is included with IQFeed (the app sorts symbols by position in the return message in relation to the : field)?
This morning, I do not seem to be able to duplicate the issue.

-DTN Guru-
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Right Here & Now
Posted: Feb 28, 2022 10:30 AM

Msg. 3 of 9
Try running this one: CFO,@ESH22,cp,,,1,LU1 You should get something like: CFO,@ESH22,cp,,,1,LU1 LU1,@E1AH22C372000,@E1AH22C372500,@E1AH22C373000,@E1AH22C373500,@E1AH22C374000,@E1AH22C3745 Then look for the separating : and you'll see the same thing repeated: :,@E1AH22C372000,@E1AH22C372500,@E1AH22C373000,@E1AH ..... So you will see two issues: * only calls should be before the : and puts after (which does not hold in this example) * the stuff before the : is repeated after the : Are you able to replicate that? My example is directly from the telnet session. What is the command which works for you? Edited by stargrazer on Feb 28, 2022 at 10:30 AMEdited by stargrazer on Feb 28, 2022 at 10:53 AM

-DTN Guru-
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Right Here & Now
Posted: Feb 28, 2022 10:52 AM

Msg. 4 of 9
Quote: If so, does it also happen with our chains app that is included with IQFeed (the app sorts symbols by position in the return message in relation to the : field)? In my program, it says that query has around 2724 options. In your chains app, is says about 633 calls, 751 puts. Which when totalled, is about half of 2724 from a few days a go. Also, your app is showing that there is a different number of puts than calls. Should that number be so out of balance? Edited by stargrazer on Feb 28, 2022 at 10:53 AM

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Feb 28, 2022 11:01 AM

Msg. 5 of 9
I can replicate the issue with your request.
Here is the request that our chains app uses (pulled from the IQFeed Logfile).
It appears the server is not handling the case where you are not sending the year codes. I have alerted our server team about this but the workaround is to send that field.
-edit- Just noticed your second post. I'll take a closer look at the contracts returned. I don't believe this behavior should have changed since last week. Edited by DTN_Steve_S on Feb 28, 2022 at 11:03 AM

-DTN Guru-
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Right Here & Now
Posted: Feb 28, 2022 11:13 AM

Msg. 6 of 9
With the revised query, there are 1385 options. And I think the puts and calls are now properly segmented. Now that I know how to perform the query, there is still something else. The put / call list doesn't seem complete. When looking at chains in Interactive Brokers, they seem to be complete, but your list doesn't seem to be. Only two chains seem to have about the correct number of puts/call. The others seem to be missing entries: chain: 2022-Feb-28 has 268 entries #strikes=268, #calls=249, #puts=247 chain: 2022-Mar-02 has 64 entries #strikes=64, #calls=35, #puts=29 chain: 2022-Mar-04 has 71 entries #strikes=71, #calls=50, #puts=21 chain: 2022-Mar-07 has 78 entries #strikes=78, #calls=58, #puts=20 chain: 2022-Mar-09 has 36 entries #strikes=36, #calls=24, #puts=12 chain: 2022-Mar-11 has 54 entries #strikes=54, #calls=39, #puts=15 chain: 2022-Mar-14 has 45 entries #strikes=45, #calls=29, #puts=16 chain: 2022-Mar-16 has 10 entries #strikes=10, #calls=7, #puts=3 chain: 2022-Mar-18 has 261 entries #strikes=261, #calls=256, #puts=255 EmitChainSummary total sum(call + put)=1365 As an example of one of the ones with missing entries, here is an example (whole strikes are missing, and no strike has a complete put/call entry): chain: 2022-Mar-09 has 40 entries 3690: @E2CH22C369000, 3700: @E2CH22C370000, 3710: @E2CH22C371000, 3720: @E2CH22C372000, 3730: @E2CH22C373000, 3740: @E2CH22C374000, 3750: @E2CH22C375000, 3755: @E2CH22C375500, 3760: @E2CH22C376000, 3765: @E2CH22C376500, 3770: @E2CH22C377000, 3775: @E2CH22C377500, 3780: @E2CH22C378000, 3785: @E2CH22C378500, 3800: @E2CH22C380000, 3805: @E2CH22C380500, 3810: @E2CH22C381000, 3815: @E2CH22C381500, 3820: @E2CH22C382000, 3825: @E2CH22C382500, 3830: @E2CH22C383000, 3910: @E2CH22C391000, 3915: @E2CH22C391500, 3920: @E2CH22C392000, 4485: , @E2CH22P448500 4490: , @E2CH22P449000 4495: , @E2CH22P449500 4500: , @E2CH22P450000 4580: , @E2CH22P458000 4585: , @E2CH22P458500 4625: , @E2CH22P462500 4630: , @E2CH22P463000 4635: , @E2CH22P463500 4640: , @E2CH22P464000 4645: , @E2CH22P464500 4650: , @E2CH22P465000 4655: , @E2CH22P465500 4660: , @E2CH22P466000 4665: , @E2CH22P466500 4670: , @E2CH22P467000 Edited by stargrazer on Feb 28, 2022 at 11:14 AMEdited by stargrazer on Feb 28, 2022 at 11:26 AM

-DTN Guru-
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Right Here & Now
Posted: Feb 28, 2022 03:40 PM

Msg. 7 of 9
The other interesting aspect here is that, as I write this, ATM is 4370. The two symbols would be: @E2CH22C437000 @E2CH22P437000
both exist in the system (but aren't listed in the chain as shown in my previous message): w@E2CH22C437000 F,@E2CH22C437000,22,,,114.75,18.75,,,,,,,,,,,,E-MINI S&P 500 WEDNESDAY WEEK 2 MARCH 2022 CALL 437000,,,,,,,,,,,,12,2,,0.28,9,43,02/17/2022,02/24/2022,,,,,,03/09/2022,4370.00,,E2C,,,18:00:00,17:00:00,USD,,------------,0.25,,,, P,@E2CH22C437000,55.75,0,14:56:09.178157,43,34,71.00,19,72.50,24,74.00,74.50,50.00,76.00,Cbasohlcv,01, Q,@E2CH22C437000,55.75,0,14:56:09.178157,43,34,71.25,2,72.50,24,74.00,74.50,50.00,76.00,b,01,
w@E2CH22P437000 F,@E2CH22P437000,22,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,E-MINI S&P 500 WEDNESDAY WEEK 2 MARCH 2022 PUT 437000,,,,,,,,,,,,12,2,,0.28,9,43,,,,,,,,03/09/2022,4370.00,,E2C,,,18:00:00,17:00:00,USD,,------------,0.25,,,, P,@E2CH22P437000,,,,,0,70.50,17,71.50,2,,,,66.00,bascv,01,

-DTN Guru-
Posts: 2096
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Posted: Feb 28, 2022 03:46 PM

Msg. 8 of 9
You are correct. We found the same results and I was just typing up a response when you posted. All the symbols are in the system, just not getting to the chains server currently. We are still investigating an will let you know when we have a fix available. Edited by DTN_Steve_S on Feb 28, 2022 at 03:46 PM

-DTN Guru-
Posts: 302
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Right Here & Now
Posted: Mar 2, 2022 01:44 PM

Msg. 9 of 9
Looks like some fixes have been put in! underlying: @ESH22 chain: 2022-Mar-02 has 341 entries #strikes=341, #calls=341, #puts=341 chain: 2022-Mar-04 has 342 entries #strikes=342, #calls=342, #puts=342 chain: 2022-Mar-07 has 341 entries #strikes=341, #calls=341, #puts=341 chain: 2022-Mar-09 has 341 entries #strikes=341, #calls=341, #puts=341 chain: 2022-Mar-11 has 341 entries #strikes=341, #calls=341, #puts=341 chain: 2022-Mar-14 has 341 entries #strikes=341, #calls=341, #puts=341 chain: 2022-Mar-16 has 316 entries #strikes=316, #calls=316, #puts=316 chain: 2022-Mar-18 has 369 entries #strikes=369, #calls=369, #puts=369 EmitChainSummary total sum(call + put)=5464
Thank you.