-Interested User-
Posts: 1
Joined: Apr 5, 2005
Posted: Apr 5, 2005 10:08 PM

Msg. 1 of 2
Is there program to convert IQ feed data realtime to the Satellite format. The reason is that I have an old program that uses satellite data that I would like to use with IQ feed data.
Thank, Al

-VP, Product Operations-
Posts: 1746
Joined: May 3, 2004
Posted: Apr 6, 2005 07:54 AM

Msg. 2 of 2
No. they are completely different feeds with different field sets available. We don't have such a feed converter and we don't have plans to create one. Would you mind providing the name of the software you use that runs on Satellite and not IQFeed?
Jay Froscheiser DTN Market Access, LLC.