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»Forums Index »NEW IQFEED FORUMS »Miscellaneous Messages »Support for Linux API for the datafeed?
Author Topic: Support for Linux API for the datafeed? (34 messages, Page 2 of 2)

-Interested User-
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Posted: Oct 14, 2023 05:06 PM          Msg. 31 of 34
The context here is that the CME charges vastly more licensing fees for non-display applications, which a linux native connector would probably be considered. So its not really DTN's call, but rather CME's, and DTN is doing its best to avoid having the licensing fees go up massively, which would price the product out of most all of the current customer's reach.

Considering that NinjaTrader wrote their own direct to IQFeed client that avoids having to run iqconnect.exe at all, it cannot be that difficult to do yourself if you really want it; not to be too snarky but those Ninja devs are just not that impressive as coders.

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Posted: Oct 14, 2023 05:16 PM          Msg. 32 of 34
That said, I just use wine and it works well (on linux, while using the native X11 graphical desktop on DISPLAY=:10). This works just fine. I messed with Xvfb for a long time before giving up on it and deciding just to use the real X11 display server that is already running. That is much more reliable that Xvfb.

-Interested User-
Posts: 26
Joined: Oct 6, 2020

Keep your tools sharp.

Posted: Oct 14, 2023 07:13 PM          Msg. 33 of 34
Glad your way is working for you, but I'm not sure what problems you encountered using Xvfb. I run Fedora with Wine and Xvfb and this configuration has been rock stable for me for nearly 3 years. So this comment is mostly for the benefit of others who might be dissuaded from trying Xvfb by your message above.

Once Wine and Xvfb are set up, you simply prepend the other commands you want to run in the virtual framebuffer with a couple of wrapper commands and be sure to pass in flags to the program which allow non-interactive gui operation. For example, to run the iqfeed installer:

$ xvfb-run wine $HOME/Downloads/iqfeed_client_6_2_0_25.exe /S

and then to connect to IQFeed such that your separate program passes in the password via the admin port shortly after:

$xvfb-run wine IQConnect.exe -product [PRODUCT_ID] -version [MADEUP_VERSION_STR] -login [LOGIN_ID]

Once you see your program running fine in terminal blocking mode, you can set up cron or systemd timer units to start and stop it like this in the background, so you don't need to keep a terminal window open.

-Mark D. Valor
Edited by mkvalor on Oct 14, 2023 at 07:14 PM
Edited by mkvalor on Oct 14, 2023 at 07:16 PM
Edited by mkvalor on Oct 14, 2023 at 07:18 PM
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