I am a subscriber of FXCM Spot FX data and are very satisfied with the quality of the feed itself. I think IQFeed has probably the best FXCM data available.
There is one very important thing that is missing though, and that is the missing data which comes in after the Sunday 2:00 PM EST open until 5:00 PM EST trading open.
There are two important reasons for this:
The first is that one miss out on important price movement during that time, one are going blind when the 5:00 PM EST trading open happens.
Second, because of the missing data for this time span (which is actual market movement even if one might not think of it as such) the charts become compressed. This makes accurate setting of trend lines and channels difficult and at times impossible. I have checked out with a broker that offers this data, and sometimes this makes a huge difference. Unfortunately the data with this broker is not as good on other areas.
When I do analysis I need quality data which is both complete and consistent in delivery. IQFeed is delivering very well, but FXCM could do better. I do not care what reasons FXCM have for hiding this data. Hiding important information does not seem like a good policy. I want and need complete quality data for my analysis.
Hopefully those of you who are also subscribing for FXCM data will support me in this matter by giving your comments/votes in this thread.
As an alternative to FXCM I have made a request/wish for ICAP EBS Spot Forex here:
http://forums.iqfeed.net/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=3397 Thank you,
Edited by Laurentius on May 27, 2012 at 04:08 AM