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Posted: Apr 13, 2010 07:37 AM

Msg. 1 of 8
I am running IQFeed on my windows PC, but I am writing a program to connect from a linux host through TCP socket. It seems to me IQFeed is only exposing the local loopback, as the interface. Is that the case? I tried my PC's ip address, namely, 192.168.x.y, and I am sure the firewall is already open.
Can someone please confirm? So it is now intended to accept connections IPs other than

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Apr 13, 2010 08:06 AM

Msg. 2 of 8
Due to exchange restrictions against redistribution of data, we restrict IQConnect to only allow connections from

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Posted: Nov 18, 2013 12:07 AM

Msg. 3 of 8
It appears many are asking for this, including me, as many OSX and Linux programmers would prefer to write software on the platform we are familiar with.
I think a simple solution would be to allow the IP address to be configureable, but only one address, instead of hardcoding 127.0.01. So if one configures a different IP address, then local access is not possible anymore. This should be fine with the exchanges, since then the computer on which IQFeed is running would function just like a relay station, like a router or firewall.

-VP, Product Operations-
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Posted: Nov 18, 2013 07:05 AM

Msg. 4 of 8
Relaying the data from IQFeed on one machine to another machine would be considered redistribution.
The simple solution is to run IQFeed under WINE which will allow you to install and run it under OSX and/or Linux. Customers are doing this today without any impact to performance.
Jay Froscheiser Vice President, Active Trader Products

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Posted: Nov 18, 2013 02:20 PM

Msg. 5 of 8
However, it isn't, after all that is what every router does. And others allow this as well, for the same exchanges. I'd like to encourage you to discuss this specific solution with your providers.
Do all the utility programs, which come with IQFeed, run under WINE (on Mac OSX) as well?

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Posted: Aug 19, 2020 07:35 AM

Msg. 6 of 8
fwiw, I second the motion for a variable LAN IP. Many of the customers we're sending to IQFeed now run Wealth-Lab on two machines simultaneously.

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Aug 20, 2020 08:09 AM

Msg. 7 of 8
Please contact support@iqfeed.net with contact information that we can pass on to our Management team.
Stephen Shockey Senior Customer Support Representative and Product Support Specialist
DTN 800-779-7299 support@iqfeed.net

-VP, Product Operations-
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Posted: Aug 21, 2020 07:54 AM

Msg. 8 of 8
Roberts, Unfortunately the policies from the exchanges haven't changed since the 2010 reply on this thread. It is considered redistribution of data if you move the data from IQFeed to a different machine. This is why we restrict access to the local machine and you would need 2 accounts and pay exchange fees twice if you use more than 1 machine. The exchange licenses allow the data to be used by a single person, on a single machine.
Jay Froscheiser Vice President, Active Trader Products