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»Forums Index »Archive (2017 and earlier) »Data and Content Support »advance/decline/unch/total NYSE data
Author Topic: advance/decline/unch/total NYSE data (3 messages, Page 1 of 1)

-Interested User-
Posts: 83
Joined: Aug 7, 2008

Posted: Nov 14, 2009 10:11 AM          Msg. 1 of 3

Since you have the IINA.Z, IIND.Z, IINT.Z, and IINU.Z regarding NYSE stocks, I'd like to know if it's possible to offer also the same data but for the S&P500 or even the S&P100 stocks.

Using these NYSE realtime indicators when trading the ES can produce lag indications since the NYSE indicators are reading a bit more than 3 thousand stocks and the ES is "reading" only 500 or even 100 stocks only.

It would be really nice to have the advances, decliners, unch, and total of the S&P500 or the S&P100, for those who want to narrow even more the reading.

If DTN is calculating the NYSE data it should be really easy to calculate the S&P's.


-DTN Evangelist-
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Posted: Nov 15, 2009 07:26 AM          Msg. 2 of 3
For the S&P500:

-Interested User-
Posts: 83
Joined: Aug 7, 2008

Posted: Nov 15, 2009 10:14 AM          Msg. 3 of 3
Thanks skunk.

When I searched in the symbol lookup i didn't find them

What about DTN offers also the S&P100 data? Can this be considered?

Edited by pyro on Nov 15, 2009 at 10:19 AM


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