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»Forums Index »Archive (2017 and earlier) »IQFeed Developer Support »Getting a "Connect failed. WSAGetLastError = 10049"
Author Topic: Getting a "Connect failed. WSAGetLastError = 10049" (4 messages, Page 1 of 1)

-Interested User-
Posts: 28
Joined: Apr 9, 2005

Posted: Sep 9, 2008 11:44 PM          Msg. 1 of 4
I have IQFeed on two machines. One connects and works perfectly. The other throws this error in the logs. "Connect failed. WSAGetLastError = 10049". I have compared the registery and the entries are the same. One thing I did see differently is that when I connect on the good machine, its on port 60020, on the bad machine its port 5002.

Here is more of the log:
FROM CLIENT (ADMIN)=2008-09-09 23:37:09: REGISTER_CLIENT_APP1 IQFEED_DEMO 1.0 0.11111111
TO CLIENT (ADMIN)=2008-09-09 23:37:09: 1
STATUS (LOOKUP)=2008-09-09 23:37:10: SOCKET ACCEPTED
FROM CLIENT (LOOKUP)=2008-09-09 23:37:10: HD,SPX.XO,600
IQConnect (CHistoryLookup::SendDayRequest)=2008-09-09 23:37:10: Connect failed. WSAGetLastError = 10049
TO CLIENT (LOOKUP)=2008-09-09 23:37:10: !ERROR! Could not connect to History socket.

-Interested User-
Posts: 24
Joined: Feb 11, 2007

Posted: Sep 10, 2008 07:58 AM          Msg. 2 of 4
10049 error indicates that either the IP address (an attempt to bind to an address that is not valid for the local machine) or the Port number is bad (port is not valid for a remote machine). Try modifying the IP/Port settings on the bad machine to match those on the good machine.

- Jeff

-Interested User-
Posts: 28
Joined: Apr 9, 2005

Posted: Sep 10, 2008 09:51 AM          Msg. 3 of 4
I checked the registry and all entries on both machines are the same with one exception: there is a key that exists on the good machine called showIDDMOTD=0 that is not in the other registry. Does this matter? Also, I looked in the event viewer on the machine and didn't see any events for 'applications'

If you didn't mean the registry settings, can you explain more about modifying the IP/Port settings. I'm rather technical (I'm a programmer) so you don't have to be exhaustive.

Thanks in advance.

-DTN Guru-
Posts: 2091
Joined: Nov 21, 2005

Posted: Sep 10, 2008 10:05 AM          Msg. 4 of 4
Hello simon33, it sounds to me like something is blocking the connection to the server. Are you behind a firewall or router? Do you have firewall software on the machine? If so, try configuring the firewall explicitly allow connections to the following ip addresses on port 5050 and 60050. - 214 - 214


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