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"Everything is working great with the API. I love it." - Comment from Calvin
"I like you guys better than *******...much more stable and a whole lot fewer issues." - Comment from Philip
"I've been using IQFeed 4 in a multi-threaded situation for the last week or two on 2600 symbols or so with 100 simultaneous daily charts, and I have had 100% responsiveness." - Comment from Scott
"Interactive Brokers tick data was inconsistent, so I have switched to using DTN exclusively. It is great to no longer have to worry about my datafeed all day long." - Comment from Philippe
"Thank you so much - awesome feed, awesome service!" - Comment from Greg via Email
"I use IQ Feed, Great stuff as far as data analysis information, storage and retrieval is concerned." - Comment from Public Forum
"As a past ******* customer(and not a happy one), IQ Feed by DTN is a much better and cheaper product with great customer support. I have had no problems at all since switching over." - Comment from Public Forum
"I used to have *******, but they are way more money for the same thing. I have had no probs with data from DTN since switching over." - Comment from Public Forum Post
"I cannot believe what a difference it makes trading with ProphetX!" - Comment from Bruce in Los Angeles
"There is no doubt that IQFeed is the best data provider. I am very satisfied with your services. And IQFeed is the only one that I would recommend to my friends. Now, most of them are using your product in China." - Comment from Zhezhe
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Viewing User Profile for: vis_nagraj
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Joined: Jun 27, 2007 05:09 AM
Last Post: Dec 17, 2007 01:05 AM
Last Visit: Dec 17, 2007 01:05 AM
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vis_nagraj has contributed to 5 posts out of 21224 total posts (0.02%) in 6,199 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
IQFeed Developer Support » Using iqfeed client behind a proxy connection Dec 17, 2007 01:05 AM (Total replies: 1)

dear steve,

I want to run iqfeed client from my pc, and in my pc, the internet connection is behind a proxy, means i get the net connection from a proxy.... And i found that iqfeed doesnt gets connected from a proxy... Why is it so... Do i need to do any extra settings for making iqfeed work from a proxy connection....

Please do let me know as early as possible....

with regards,


Dear steve,

I get this another also sometimes while downloading historical data:

!ERROR! Could not connect to History socket.

pllzz help me...


Dear steve,

It happens at times that when ever i download historical data for a bunch of symbols, i get an error message for one or more symbols, the error i get is:


what does this error signify, does it signify that there is no data available for that particular symbol, or anything else.. And secondly, if i try again after sometimes, i get data for the same symbol!!! why is it so ? This error does not comes every time, but does come at some irregular times....

I use java for connecting to iqfeed...

Plzz do help me, in this....


IQFeed Developer Support » Unusual problem with historical data Aug 30, 2007 01:35 AM (Total replies: 1)

Dear steve,

I have an unusual problem while downloading historical data. Actually in my program we download historical data for more than one symbols. But what happens is that sometimes, the IQFeed server is not giving any data for one or more symbols. And then immediately if i re-run the program, i get the historical data for that same symbols, for which i was not getting the data earlier.

In my program i use 5 simultaneous socket connections to download historical data of 5 different symbols. But at times no data is sent for some symbols. For instance if i run my program and downloaded data for symbol YHOO, and i received also the data. Now if i close the application, re-run it and do the same thing i did earlier, i don't receive any data from YHOO. Why so?

Is it because i am opening a lot of socket connection simultaneously for historical data? If so, then whats the max. limit to the no. of socket connections that i can have to download historical data for different symbols ?

If thats not the case, the could u plz let me know what is causing it to behave like this? Is it some programming error from my side, or is it some other problem.

Plzz do help me in this matter..


Dear steve,

I had a query regarding using multiple socket connections to IQConnect. We have a requirement of getting realtime data (level 1) for around 100 symbols at the same time. The application is developed in Java. I have a confusion regarding this. Should i use a single Socket connection and give commands for all the 100 symbols, OR should i used different Socket connections at the same time for each symbols. Secondly, we have to use threads to read data from socket, but here also should I use a single thread with a single socket connection for all 100 symbols, OR should i create individual threads (and individual socket connection) for each symbol. Please could u help me in this. How would it affect the performance if we use multiple threads (or socket connections).

Eagery awaiting for some good reply...


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