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Viewing User Profile for: DTN_Nathan_Bartsch
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Joined: May 3, 2004 03:30 PM
Last Post: Dec 3, 2013 09:44 AM
Last Visit: Dec 11, 2013 08:31 AM
Website: www.dtniq.com
Location: Omaha, NE
Occupation: Senior Software Engineer
Interests: Software Development, Mathematics
Telvent DTN
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Post Statistics
DTN_Nathan_Bartsch has contributed to 33 posts out of 21244 total posts (0.16%) in 7,391 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
IQFeed Developer Support » Streaming Bars - Questions / Suggestions Dec 3, 2013 09:44 AM (Total replies: 7)

The updates are sent based on the number of the timestamps received from the server after the first 'new' update to that bar arrived. So for a 'BU' message to arrive you would need to get a trade that updated the next bar and receive 299 timestamps before a trade for the next interval arrives.

If a trade for the next interval arrives before the 299th timestamp, the previous interval is completed and a 'BC' message is sent without sending a 'BU' message. The counter then starts back up tracking timestamps since the first 'new' update to the next bar arrived.

Sorry if that's a little confusing; the short answer is 'timing is everything'.

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

IQFeed Developer Support » HIT request issue Dec 2, 2013 07:25 AM (Total replies: 2)

Since you're requesting data from Jan 1, 2013 at 11:30am to Jan 3, you will receive the intervals triggered by extended trading on the morning of January 2. If you only wanted trades from January 2,2013 from 11:30am through the end of the day; use the following request:

HIT,MSFT,60,20130102 113000,20130103 000000,,,,1

Please let me know if that helps and if you have any additional questions.

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

IQFeed Developer Support » Streaming Bars - Questions / Suggestions Dec 2, 2013 07:17 AM (Total replies: 7)

1. A time bar is closed when it receives a trade with a trade time outside of the bar time (for time bars only; volume and tick intervals are closed when they reach the appropriate volume or number of ticks).

2,3 I have forwarded those requests to management for consideration.

4. I have looked at the processing overhead in constructing interval bars and haven't seen any obvious problems. Are you experiencing an issue with this particular feature of the feed?

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

IQFeed Developer Support » Streaming bars Sep 19, 2013 08:24 AM (Total replies: 1)

There aren't any limitations beyond the normal limitations placed on interval requests via the history system. The streaming interval bars are currently limited to intraday day data only; this does not include daily, weekly, or monthly intervals.

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

Data and Content Support » back adjusted #C contracts Sep 12, 2013 07:51 AM (Total replies: 2)

The continuous back-adjusted contract is not immediately back-adjusted. This process happens overnight at differing times. I have verified that the history for the three contracts you listed is now back-adjusted.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

Data and Content Support » Strange tick data for XG# on 03/09/2013 Sep 5, 2013 06:57 AM (Total replies: 3)

After looking at the data, I would agree that this data is highly suspect. I am currently working with our Market Data Services Department to correct / modify this tick data.


Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

IQFeed Developer Support » unable to receive history data Jul 1, 2013 02:49 PM (Total replies: 9)

Currently, protocol 4.9 is what the port defaults to; you should only set the protocol if you need something different.

We'll look into updating the documentation to make this more clear for future releases.

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

IQFeed Developer Support » out of memory in sockets in v May 29, 2013 09:14 AM (Total replies: 20)

We have already replicated the problem and have a fix ready for the next version of IQ Feed.

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

IQFeed Developer Support » 5.0 Troubleshooting Mar 8, 2013 03:43 PM (Total replies: 4)

It should work if you send


It won't work if you send


Please let me know if this fixes the problem.

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

During the market day, tick data is limited to the last 8 calendar days, including today. You should be able to retrieve additional tick data outside of these hours (before 9:30 EST or after 16:30 EST).

Current default update field names should remain in the same order for protocol 5.0. Please be aware that you can change the fields used and the order that they are returned; refer to the documentation (search for S,SELECT UPDATE FIELDS) for more details.

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

Please send me a private message with your login ID so that I can monitor your connection. None of our quote servers had any latency exceeding one second yesterday so we'll need to troubleshoot where the problem is occurring with your connection.


Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

You shouldn't be seeing any delay. Please right-click on the IQFeed connection manager in the system tray and select 'Support' and then click on 'Launch Diagnostics'; the tab labeled 'Client Stats' in the diagnostics application can tell you how much data is currently queued up. If the 'KB Queued' column for your connection is greater than zero that indicates that data has arrived and has been processed by IQFeed but is waiting for your application to have space available in the socket buffer to receive it.

Hopefully that will help you pinpoint the problem. Please let me know either way so that we can quickly resolve any issues that you may have with IQFeed.


Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

The appropriate error message is now being returned for invalid symbols.

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

Data and Content Support » NYSE MArket Stats Aug 3, 2011 08:16 AM (Total replies: 5)

You may find the following link useful as well.


Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

This message was posted in a secure forum. Click here to access the topic where message was posted.

IQFeed Developer Support » Duplicate days in history requests. Dec 22, 2010 03:45 PM (Total replies: 3)

There was a problem with retrieving daily history for instruments that no longer exist. This problem will be corrected this weekend. This should NOT affect any active instruments in the system, only symbols that no longer have quote data. This does NOT affect the tick / minute data for any symbols, regardless of their status within the system.

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

IQFeed Developer Support » Duplicate days in history requests. Dec 22, 2010 11:28 AM (Total replies: 3)

We are looking into the duplicate day for ADCT, as this appears to be an error. If you'd send a list of other symbols that you are seeing problems with I will forward it to our market data integrity department for further research / correction.


Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

IQFeed Datafeed Wish List » Futures Equalized Sessions Jul 19, 2010 02:11 PM (Total replies: 29)

Does this apply to all futures contracts?
It should apply to all front-month continuous contracts (ie.. ROOT#C)

Is it retroactive?
It is retroactive, we have back-loaded data to perform the adjustment on pre-existing data. We will be updating this information as the contracts roll in the future.

How far back does it go?
That's a bit trickier. It goes back different levels for different commodity roots.

For example:
Composite bean oil (+BO#C) is back-adjusted through the last 50 contracts (March 2004)
Composite corn (+C#C) is back-adjusted through the last 70 contracts (Sept 1996)

It will vary based on the contract and session (composite / electronic / pit)

Hopefully that helps...

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - Telvent DTN

Data and Content Support » Missing historical FX data Jan 13, 2010 11:39 AM (Total replies: 4)

IQFeed does offer 30 calendar days of Tick data during 'After Market Hours'. During the 'regular market hours' we have 8 calendar days of Tick data.

I would guess that when you received the full 30 days worth of data, you were retrieving them outside of market hours. (market hours are currently 9:30 EST -> 16:30 EST)

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - DTN
Edited by DTN_Nathan_Bartsch on Jan 13, 2010 at 11:40 AM

IQFeed Developer Support » How to make sure IQFeed 4.7.x beta connected? Dec 29, 2009 10:23 AM (Total replies: 10)

There are issues with the current beta ( that will be addressed in the next Beta build (

Copied from a different thread regarding autoconnect not working as expected:

Posted: Dec 22, 2009 10:18 AM Msg. 2 of 4
We have verified the problem and will include a fix in the next Beta build ( which will be posted after the Holidays.

Lonnie Shumate
Development Manager, IQ Systems

Nathan W. Bartsch - Senior Software Engineer - DTN

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