-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jan 21, 2009 03:15 PM

Msg. 31 of 623
ICEFE Deletion
ECX/IPE Sulfur Emissions
DTN root symbol: UI
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Sunday, January 25 (trade date January 26)
Chicago Unleaded Gasoline (Platts) Swap
DTN root symbol: Q2C
Chicago Unleaded Gasoline (Platts) vs. RBOB Spread Swap
DTN root symbol: Q3C
Chicago ULSD (Platts) Swap
DTN root symbol: Q4C
Chicago ULSD (Platts) vs. Heating Oil Spread Swap
DTN root symbol: Q5C
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
CME/Globex Additions
Sunday, January 25 (trade date January 26)
U.S. Dollar/Turkish Lira Futures
DTN root symbol: @TRY
Euro/Turkish Lira Futures
DTN root symbol: @TRE
Trading hours: 1700 – 1600 Central
(Trading opens at 1500 Central on Sundays)

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jan 29, 2009 11:42 AM

Msg. 32 of 623
Effective date: 2/2/09
EUREXEU Addition
Gold futures
(based on London gold spot fixing)
DTN root symbol: GFX
Trading hours: 0100 – 1500 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Feb 3, 2009 11:12 AM

Msg. 33 of 623
CME Trading Hours Change
The following currency pairs have been opening at 1500 CST on Sunday, 1700 Monday through Thursday. The Sunday opening times will be moved to 1700 effective 2/8/09.
DTN Root Symbols affected:
ICE Futures U.S. Delisting
Robusta Coffee futures and options
DTN root symbols: @RC and RC
Effective Friday, 1/2/09
ENCOM Delisting
Robusta Coffee (old)
DTN root symbol: @LKD
Note: Robusta Coffee (new) remains unaffected
DTN root symbol: LRC

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Feb 17, 2009 11:36 AM

Msg. 34 of 623
CME/Globex Additions
Effective Date: Sunday, February 22 (trade date Monday, February 23)
Australian HDD and CDD Index Futures
Bankstown, Sydney CDD
DTN root symbol: @6T
Brisbane Aero CDD
DTN root symbol: @7T
Melbourne Regional Office CDD
DTN root symbol: @8T
Bankstown, Sydney HDD
DTN root symbol: @2F
Brisbane Aero HDD
DTN root symbol: @3F
Melbourne Regional Office HDD
DTN root symbol: @4F
Trading hours: 1700 – 1515 Central
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Effective Date: Monday, February 23
Natural Gas Basis Swaps
Columbia Gulf Mainline Natural Gas Basis Contract
DTN root symbol: Q5Z
Florida Zone 2 Natural Gas Basis Contract
DTN root symbol: Q8A
Oneok, Oklahoma Natural Gas Basis Contract
DTN root symbol: Q8X
Southern Star Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas Natural Gas Basis Contract
DTN root symbol: Q8Z
Tennessee 800 leg Natural Gas Basis Contract
DTN root symbol: Q6Z
Texas Eastern West Louisiana Natural Gas Basis Contract
DTN root symbol: Q8B
Texas Gas Zone 1 Natural Gas Basis Contract
DTN root symbol: Q9F
Transco Zone 1 Natural Gas Basis Contract
DTN root symbol: Q8E
Transco Zone 2 Natural Gas Basis Contract
DTN root symbol: Q8F
SoCal City-Gate Basis Contract
DTN root symbol: Q9A
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Feb 25, 2009 11:17 AM

Msg. 35 of 623
CBOE Futures addition
Effective date: Monday, March 2
CBOE mini-VIX futures
DTN root symbol: @VM
Trading hours: 0830 – 1515 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Mar 3, 2009 02:32 PM

Msg. 36 of 623
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Petroleum Swaps
Effective Date: Monday, March 9
EIA Flat Tax On-Highway Diesel Swap
DTN root symbol: QA5
Argus LLS Trade Month Swap
DTN root symbol: QA4
Argus LLS vs. WTI (Argus) Trade Month Swap
DTN root symbol: QE5
WTI (Argus) Trade Month Swap
DTN root symbol: QV7
New York 0.7% Fuel Oil (Platts) Swap
DTN root symbol: QY4
New York 2.2% Fuel Oil (Platts) Swap
DTN root symbol: QY3
New York 3.0% Fuel Oil (Platts) Swap
DTN root symbol: QH1
Japan Naphtha BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: QE6
Freight Route TC4 BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: QV9
Mt. Belvieu Propane (OPIS) BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: QV6
Mt. Belvieu Natural Gasoline (OPIS) BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: QV5
Mt. Belvieu Ethane (OPIS) BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: QV4
Mt. Belvieu Normal Butane (OPIS) BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: QY5
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
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Posted: Mar 11, 2009 09:30 AM

Msg. 37 of 623
NYMEX/ClearPort Addition
Listing Date: March 16, 2009
S&P GSCI Excess Return Index Swap
DTN root symbol: QSES
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
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Posted: Mar 17, 2009 01:21 PM

Msg. 38 of 623
CME Additions
3-Year Treasury Note Futures
DTN root symbol: 3YR
Trading hours: 0720 – 1400 Central
Effective date: Monday, March 23
CME/Globex Additions
3-Year Treasury Note Futures
DTN root symbol: @3N
Trading hours: 1730 – 1600 Central
Effective date: Sunday, March 22 (trade date Monday, March 23)
E-Micro FX Futures
E-Micro GBP/USD Future
DTN root symbol: @M6B
E-Micro EUR/USD Future
DTN root symbol: @M6E
E-Micro AUD/USD Future
DTN root symbol: @M6A
E-Micro USD/JPY Future
DTN root symbol: @M6J
E-Micro USD/CAD Future
DTN root symbol: @M6C
E-Micro USD/CHF Future
DTN root symbol: @M6S
Trading hours: 1700 – 1600 Central
Effective date: Sunday, March 22 (trade date Monday, March 23)
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Midwest Electricity Swaps
Cin Hub 5 MW Real Time Off-Peak
DTN root symbol: QH4
Cin Hub 5 MW Day Ahead Off-Peak
DTN root symbol: QK2
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
Effective date: Monday, March 23
California ISO Electricity Swaps
CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Swap Futures Contract
DTN root symbol: Q4X
CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Swap Futures Contract
DTN root symbol: Q9X
CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Swap Futures Contract
DTN root symbol: Q3X
CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Swap Futures Contract
DTN root symbol: Q5X
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
Effective date: Monday, March 23
Ethanol Swaps
Argus Biodiesel RME FOB Rdam Swap Contract
DTN root symbol: Q1A
Brent CFD (Platts) vs. Front Month Swap Contract
DTN root symbol: Q1C
RBOB Gasoline BALMO Calendar Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1D
RBOB Crack Spread BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1E
Heating Oil BALMO Calendar Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1G
Heating Oil Crack Spread BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1H
Gulf Coast Gasoline Crack Spread (Platts) BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1J
Gasoline Up-Down BALMO Swap Contract
DTN root symbol: Q1K
ULSD Up-Down BALMO Calendar Swap Contract
DTN root symbol: Q1L
Jet Fuel Up-Down BALMO Calendar Swap Contract
DTN root symbol: Q1M
Group Three Unleaded Gasoline (Platts) Swap
DTN root symbol: QA9
Group Three Unleaded Gasoline (Platts) vs. RBOB Spread Swap
DTN root symbol: QA8
Group Three ULSD (Platts) Swap
DTN root symbol: QA7
Group Three ULSD (Platts) vs. Heating Oil Spread Swap
DTN root symbol: QA6
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
Effective date: March 23

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Mar 24, 2009 12:40 PM

Msg. 39 of 623
EUREX Additions
Futures on Dow Jones-AIG Indexes
Dow Jones-AIG Commodity Futures
DTN root symbol: CCO
Dow Jones-AIG Agriculture Futures
DTN root symbol: CAG
Dow Jones-AIG Energy Futures
DTN root symbol: CEN
Dow Jones-AIG Industrial Metals Futures
DTN root symbol: CIN
Effective Date: Monday, March 30
Trading Hours:
0200 – 1100 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Mar 27, 2009 03:47 PM

Msg. 40 of 623
ICE Futures U.S. Trading Hours Change
Effective Sunday, March 29 (trade date Monday, March 30)
Sugar # 11 Futures and Options
DTN root symbol: @SB
New trading hours: 0230 – 1300 Central
Coffee Futures and Options
DTN root symbol: @KC
New trading hours: 0230 – 1300 Central
Cocoa Futures and Options
DTN root symbol: @CC
New trading hours: 0300 – 1300 Central
Cotton Futures and Options
DTN root symbol: @CT
New trading hours: 2000 – 1330 Central
FCOJ Futures and Options
DTN root symbol: @OJ
New trading hours: 0700 – 1300 Central
Sugar # 14 Futures and Options
DTN root symbol: @SE
New trading hours: 0800 – 1300 Central
Sugar # 16 Futures and Options
DTN root symbol: @SFI
New trading hours: 0800 – 1300 Central
Floor trading hours change
Cotton Options
DTN root symbol: CT
New trading hours: 0930 – 1315 Central
Floor trading hours for other ICE Futures U.S. contracts are unchanged.

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Apr 14, 2009 12:51 PM

Msg. 41 of 623
COMEX/Globex Additions
E-mini Gold Kilo Futures
DTN root symbol: QXGN
E-mini Silver 1000 oz. Futures
DTN root symbol: QXSN
Listing date: April 20, 2009
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
CME/Globex Addition
Deliverable Nonfat Dry Milk
DTN root symbol:
Listing date: April 19, 2009 (trade date Monday, April 20)
Trading hours: 1700 – 1600 Central
Friday close at 1355 Central
NYSE_Amex Index Additions
Currently in Quote_System:
NYSE Current 2 Year U.S. Treasury Index
DTN symbol: AXTWO.X
NYSE Current 5 Year U.S. Treasury Index
DTN symbol: AXFIV.X
NYSE Current 10 Year U.S. Treasury Index
DTN symbol: AXTEN.X
NYSE Current 30 Year U.S. Treasury Index
DTN symbol: AXTHR.X
Hours: 0730 – 1330 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Apr 21, 2009 03:03 PM

Msg. 42 of 623
CME ClearPort Additions
Listing date: Monday, April 27
Cal ISO Real Time Power Products
CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Real Time LMP Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q1Y
CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Real Time MMP Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q1Z
CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Real Time LMP Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q2D
CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Real Time LMP Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q2E
Natural Gas Index Swap Futures
Southern Star, Tx.-Okla.-Kan. Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QC9
Oneok, Oklahoma Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QC7
Texas Eastern, WLA Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QC2
Florida Gas, Zone 2 Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QC3
Transco Zone 1 Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QC4
Transco Zone 2 Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QL7
Algonquin City-Gates Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QN7
Questar Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QN8
Florida Gas, Zone 3 Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QQ9
Transco Zone 4 Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QB2
Columbia Gulf, La. Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QS9
Texas Gas, Zone SL Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QS7
Columbia Gulf, Mainline Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QL2
Tennessee, 800 leg Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QL4
Texas Gas, Zone 1 Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QN4
SoCal City-Gate Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QN5
NGPL STX Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QN6
Texas Eastern ELA, Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QM9
Southern Natural, La. Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QM8
Trunkline ELA. Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QM7
ANR, La. Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QM6
Malin Natural Gas Index Swap
(Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC)
DTN root symbol: QV8
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: May 5, 2009 04:56 PM

Msg. 43 of 623
CME Addition
Pacific Rim Hiroshima Weather Futures
DTN root symbol: HJ
Trading hours: 0830 – 1515 Central
First trade date: May 4
NYMEX/ClearPort Addition
National Balancing Point (NBP) Henry Hub Basis Futures Swap
DTN root symbol: QE2
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
First trade date: May 11

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: May 12, 2009 05:56 PM

Msg. 44 of 623
FTSE 100 Dividend Index Future
DTN root symbol: EXZ
Listing date: Wednesday, May 13
Trading hours: 0200 – 1030 Central
NYMEX Additions
Houston Ship Channel Basis Swap
DTN root symbol: QNHN
PJM Western Hub Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time LMP
DTN root symbol: QL1
Listing Date: May 17 (trade date Monday, May 18)
Hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
Note: The contracts below are currently configured for NYMEX/ClearPort, but will be reconfigured for NYMEX/Globex instead beginning with trade date Monday, May 18:
Northwest Pipeline, Rockies Basis Swap
DTN root symbol: QNR
Waha, Texas Basis Swap
DTN root symbol: QNW
Texas Eastern Zone M-3 Basis Swap
DTN root symbol: QNX
Natural Gas Pipeline Texok Basis Swap
DTN root symbol: QPD
Panhandle Basis Swap
DTN root symbol: QPH
Henry Hub Swap
DTN root symbol: QNN
TCO Basis Swap
DTN root symbol: QTC
Columbia Gulf Onshore Basis Swap
DTN root symbol: QGL
NGPL Midcontinent Basis Swap
DTN root symbol: QNL
Northern Natural Gas Demarcation Basis Swap
DTN root symbol: QPE
Ventura Basis Swap
DTN root symbol: QPF
NYMEX Addition
PJM Western Hub Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time LMP 50 MW
DTN root symbol: Q4SN
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
Listing date: Sunday, May 17 (trade date Monday, May 18)
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Platts) Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1N
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Platts) BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1P
Ethanol (Platts) T1 FOB Rotterdam Ex Duty Swap
DTN root symbol: Q2M
Ethanol (Platts) T2 FOB Rotterdam Including Duty Swap
DTN root symbol: QZ1
FAME (Argus) Biodiesel ROB Rotterdam Swap
DTN root symbol: Q2L
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
Listing date: Sunday, May 17 (trade date Monday, May 18)

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jun 3, 2009 04:06 PM

Msg. 45 of 623
CBOT/CME Globex Additions
Calendar Spread Options
Corn Nearby Spread Options
DTN root symbol: CZC
Corn Old/New Crop Options
DTN root symbol: CZ6
Wheat Nearby Spread Options
DTN root symbol: CZW
Wheat Old/New Crop Options
DTN root symbol: WC6
Soybeans Nearby Spread Options
DTN root symbol: CZS
Soybeans Old/New Crop Options
DTN root symbol: SZ5
Soybean Oil Nearby Spread Options
DTN root symbol: CZL
Soybean Oil Old/New Crop Options
DTN root symbol: OC6
Soybean Meal Nearby Spread Options
DTN root symbol: CZM
Soybean Meal Old/New Crop Options
DTN root symbol: MC6
Trading hours: 1800 – 1315 Central
Listing date: Sunday, May 31 (trade date Monday, June 1)
Trading Floor:
Corn Nearby Spread Options
DTN root symbol: PYC
Corn Old/New Crop Options
DTN root symbol: CC6
Wheat Nearby Spread Options
DTN root symbol: WZC
Wheat Old/New Crop Options
DTN root symbol: CW6
Soybeans Nearby Spread Options
DTN root symbol: ZSC
Soybeans Old/New Crop Options
DTN root symbol: SC5
Soybean Oil Nearby Spread Options
DTN root symbol: COY
Soybean Oil Old/New Crop Options
DTN root symbol: CO6
Soybean Meal Nearby Spread Options
DTN root symbol: MYC
Soybean Meal Old/New Crop Options
DTN root symbol: SM6
Trading hours: 0930 – 1315 Central
Listing date: Monday, June 1
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
PJM PECO Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q4N
PJM PECO Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q4P
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
Listing date: Monday, June 8

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jun 10, 2009 11:05 AM

Msg. 46 of 623
Eurex Additions
Listing date: June 15, 2009
Silver Futures and Options
DTN root symbol: SFX
Trading hours:
Futures: 0030 – 1530 Central
(0030 – 0100 is pre-trading period; 1500 – 1530 is post-trading period)
Options: 0030 – 1330 Central
(0030 – 0100 is pre-trading period; 1300 – 1330 is post-trading period)
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing date: June 15, 2009
Argus Petroleum Swaps
Gulf Coast Heating Oil Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q4U
Gulf Coast Heating Oil vs. Heating Oil Spread Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q7U
New York ULSD Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q5Y
New York ULSD vs. Heating Oil Spread Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q7Y
New York Jet Fuel Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q4Y
New York Jet Fuel vs. Heating Oil Spread Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q5U
6 Minute Markers
NYMEX Crude Oil Minute-Marker Future
DTN root symbol: Q6C
NYMEX RBOB Minute-Marker Future
DTN root symbol: Q6R
NYMEX Heating Oil Minute-Marker Future
DTN root symbol: Q6H
NYMEX Crude Oil Minute-Marker Calendar Month Swap
DTN root symbol: Q4T
NYMEX RBOB Minute-Marker Calendar Month Swap
DTN root symbol: Q5T
NYMEX Heating Oil Minute-Marker Calendar Month Swap
DTN root symbol: Q7T
Physical Ethylene Futures
Mt. Belvieu Ethylene
DTN root symbol: Q1F
ERCOT Power Products
ERCOT Houston Zone MCPE 50 MW Peak Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q2N
ERCOT North Zone MCPE 50 MW Peak Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q2P
ERCOT South Zone MCPE 50 MW Peak Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q2Q
ERCOT West Zone MCPE 50 MW Peak Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q2R
ERCOT Houston Zone MCPE 50 MW Off-Peak Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q2W
ERCOT North Zone MCPE 50 MW Off-Peak Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q2X
ERCOT South Zone MCPE 50 MW Off-Peak Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q2Y
ERCOT West Zone MCPE 50 MW Off-Peak Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q3D
MISO Power Products
Midwest ISO Illinois Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q4Q
Midwest ISO Illinois Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Swap Futures
DTN root symbol: Q4R
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
Listing date: June 1, 2009
Petroleum Swaps
Jet Aviation Fuel (Platts) Cargoes FOB MED Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1T
Jet Aviation Fuel (Platts) Cargoes FOB MED v. ICE Gasoil Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1V
1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes CIF MED Swap Contract
DTN root symbol: Q1W
1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes CIF NEW Swap Contract
DTN root symbol: Q1X
New York Jet Fuel (Platts) Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1Q
New York Jet Fuel (Platts) vs. Heating Oil Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1U
Propane Non-LDH Mt. Belvieu (OPIS) Swap
DTN root symbol: Q1R
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jun 17, 2009 11:13 AM

Msg. 47 of 623
Eurex Addition
Currently trading:
DJ Stoxx 600 Futures
DTN root symbol: 600
Trading hours: 0030 – 1530 Central
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing date: Sunday, June 22, 2009 (trade date Monday, June 23, 2009)
In Delivery Month Certified Emission Reduction (CER) Futures
DTN root symbol: Q6S
In Delivery Month European Union Allowance (EUA) Futures
DTN root symbol: Q6T
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jun 24, 2009 10:36 AM

Msg. 48 of 623
ICEFE Changes
Effective date: Monday, June 29
The decimal places for ICEFE Natural Gas contracts will increase from 2 to 3.
DTN root symbols affected:

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jun 30, 2009 01:29 PM

Msg. 49 of 623
Trading hours change
Effective June 29, 2009
Robusta Coffee
DTN root symbol: LRC
New hours:
Futures: 0300 – 1130 Central
Options: 0302 – 1130 Central
White Sugar
DTN root symbol: QW
New hours:
Futures: 0245 – 1130 Central
Options: 0247 – 1130 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jul 7, 2009 05:20 PM

Msg. 50 of 623
CBOT and CME/Globex Additions
Options on 5-Year Interest Rate Swap Futures
DTN root symbols: Floor, FS Electronic, @SA
Options on 7-Year Interest Rate Swap Futures
DTN root symbol (electronic only): @7I (eye)
Options on 10-Year Interest Rate Swap Futures
DTN root symbols: Floor, TS Electronic, @SR
Options on 30-Year Interest Rate Swap Futures
DTN root symbols: Floor, NZ Electronic, @NZ
Listing date: Sunday, July 12 (trade date Monday, July 13)
Trading hours:
Floor, 0720 – 1400 Central
Electronic, 1730 – 1600 Central
NYMEX/Green Exchange Additions
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures
DTN root symbol: Q09
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Vintage 2010
DTN root symbol: Q10
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Vintage 2011
DTN root symbol: Q11
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Vintage 2012
DTN root symbol: Q12
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Vintage 2013
DTN root symbol: Q13
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Vintage 2014
DTN root symbol: Q14
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Vintage 2015
DTN root symbol: Q15
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Vintage 2016
DTN root symbol: Q16
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Vintage 2017
DTN root symbol: Q17
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Vintage 2018
DTN root symbol: Q18
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Vintage 2019
DTN root symbol: Q19
SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Vintage 2020
DTN root symbol: Q20
Listing date: Monday, July 13
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
Trading Venue Change:
In Delivery Month Certified Emission Reduction (CER) Futures
DTN root symbol: Q6S
In Delivery Month European Union Allowance (EUA) Futures
DTN root symbol: Q6T
The above two contracts, currently trading on NYMEX/ClearPort,
Will move to NYMEX/Green Exchange on Monday, July 13
Trading hours remain 1700 – 1615 Central.

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jul 9, 2009 05:52 PM

Msg. 51 of 623
Note: NYMEX advises that the new SO2 Emission 25 Allowance Futures Contract will only be listed through Vintage 2014.
Vintage 2015 through Vintage 2020 will not be listed.

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jul 15, 2009 01:23 PM

Msg. 52 of 623
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing Date: July 20, 2009
Mt. Belvieu Physical Iso-Butane (OPIS) Contract
DTN root symbol: Q3L
Mt. Belvieu Physical Normal Butane (OPIS) Contract
DTN root symbol: Q3M
Mt. Belvieu Physical LDH Propane (OPIS) Contract
DTN root symbol: Q3N
Mt. Belvieu Physical Non-LDH Propane (OPIS) Contract
DTN root symbol: Q3P
Mt. Belvieu Physical Ethane (OPIS) Contract
DTN root symbol: Q3Q
Mt. Belvieu Physical Natural Gasoline (OPIS) Contract
DTN root symbol: Q3R
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
Eurex Additions
Listing Date: July 20, 2009
European Processing Potatoes
DTN root symbol: EPP
London Potatoes
DTN root symbol: LPI
Trading hours: 0250 – 0900 Central
Hogs Eurex
DTN root symbol: HOG
Piglets Eurex
DTN root symbol: PIG
Trading hours: 0245 – 0900 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jul 21, 2009 04:06 PM

Msg. 53 of 623
CBOT and CME/Globex Futures Options Name Changes/Additions
Listing Date: Monday, July 27
Calendar Spread Options
Consecutive Corn CSO
Formerly named Nearby
DTN root symbols: Globex, CZC Floor, PYC
Formerly named Old Crop/New Crop
DTN root symbols: Globex, CZ6 Floor, CC6
Consecutive Wheat CSO
Formerly named Nearby
DTN root symbols: Globex, CZW Floor, WZC
Formerly named Old Crop/New Crop
DTN root symbols: Globex, WC6 Floor, CW6
Consecutive Soybean CSO
Formerly named Nearby
DTN root symbols: Globex, CZS Floor, ZSC
Formerly named Old Crop/New Crop
DTN root symbols: Globex, SZ5 Floor, SC5
Consecutive Soybean Meal CSO
Formerly named Nearby
DTN root symbols: Globex, CZM Floor, MYC
JULY-DEC Soybean Meal CSO
Formerly named Old Crop/New Crop
DTN root symbols: Globex, MC6 Floor, SM6
Consecutive Soybean Oil CSO
Formerly named Nearby
DTN root symbols: Globex, CZL Floor, COY
JULY-DEC Soybean Oil CSO
Formerly named Old Crop/New Crop
DTN root symbols: Globex, OC6 Floor, CO6
Additional Listing Cycles
DTN root symbols: Globex, CZ8 Floor, 8CC
DTN root symbols: Globex, 12C Floor, CCZ
DTN root symbols: Globex, WCM Floor, CWM
DTN root symbols: Globex, 12W Floor, CWN
DTN root symbols: Globex, SZK Floor, KSC
DTN root symbols: Globex, SZ9 Floor, SX9
DTN root symbols: Globex, 12S Floor, SCX
Trading hours:
Globex, 1800 – 0600 and 0930 – 1315 Central, Sunday – Friday
Floor, 0930 – 1315 Monday – Friday

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jul 28, 2009 01:15 PM

Msg. 54 of 623
Effective date: July 29, 2009
NYMEX/COMEX will delist Aluminum futures and futures options.
DTN root symbols:
AL – floor
QAL – electronic
+AL – combined
CME/Globex Addition
Listing date: August 2, 2009 (trade date August 3)
Soybean Crush Future spreads
DTN root symbol: @SOM
Trading hours: 1800 – 0715 and 0930 – 1315, Central
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing date: August 3, 2009
Dated Brent (Platts) Daily Swap
DTN root symbol: Q7G
Premium Unleaded Gasoline 10ppm (Platts) Rdam FOB Barges Swap
DTN root symbol: Q7L
Premium Unleaded Gasoline 10ppm (Platts) Rdam FOB Barges BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: Q7N
EuroBob Gasoline 10ppm (Platts) Rdam FOB Barges Swap
DTN root symbol: Q7P
EuroBob Gasoline 10ppm (Platts) Rdam FOB Barges BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: Q7S
Gasoline EuroBob Oxy (Argus) NWE Barges Swap
DTN root symbol: Q7H
Gasoline EuroBob Oxy (Argus) NWE Barges BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: Q7R
Gasoline EuroBob Oxy (Argus) NWE Barges Crack Spread Swap
DTN root symbol: Q7K
Gasoline EuroBob Oxy (Argus) NWE Barges Crack Spread BALMO Swap
DTN root symbol: Q7I (eye)
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Jul 30, 2009 10:16 AM

Msg. 55 of 623
Please note that NYMEX/COMEX Aluminum futures will not be delisted until September 28, 2009, with the expiration of the September 2009 contract.
Aluminum options will not be delisted until August 26, 2009.
There is currently no open interest in any NYMEX/COMEX aluminum futures or options contract.
Please note that the NYMEX/ClearPort contracts listed below included Daily contracts, which DTN does not carry.
The following symbols will *not* be added to the DTN Quote System:
The following symbols are Monthly contracts and will be added to DTN Quote System:

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Aug 11, 2009 11:05 AM

Msg. 56 of 623
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
NGL 5 Decimal products
Listing date: August 17, 2009
Mont Belvieu LDH Propane 5 Decimal (OPIS) Swap
DTN root symbol: QB0
Mont Belvieu Ethane 5 Decimal (OPIS) Swap
DTN root symbol: QC0
Mont Belvieu Normal Butane 5 Decimal (OPIS) Swap
DTN root symbol: QD0
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Aug 12, 2009 09:44 AM

Msg. 57 of 623
The CFE advises that the CBOE DJIA Volatility Index Futures Contract will be delisted prior to the opening of trading on August 13, 2009.
DTN root symbol: @DV

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Aug 18, 2009 10:49 AM

Msg. 58 of 623
NYMEX/Globex Addition
Listing date: August 24, 2009
European Gasoil (ICE) Futures
DTN root symbol: QGLI
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Aug 18, 2009 01:34 PM

Msg. 59 of 623
ICE Futures US Deletion
Effective August 24, 2009, ICE will delist Sugar # 14
DTN root symbol: @SE
Sugar # 11, DTN root symbol @SB, and Sugar # 16, DTN root symbol @SFI, are unaffected and remain listed on ICE.

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posted: Aug 25, 2009 12:58 PM

Msg. 60 of 623
SGX Trading Hours change
Effective date: 8/31/09
The T+1session for Singapore Exchange derivatives will be extended by one hour. This will not affect the open/close times for the Composite, only for the T+1 session.
Effective 8/31/09, the T+1 session for the following DTN root symbols will end at 0955 Central:
CBOT Tick Size change
Effective date: 8/30/09 (trade date 8/31/09)
The minimum trading increment for U.S. Treasury Bond futures will change to 1/32nd from the current ½ of 1/32nd.
DTN root symbols: US and @US